I always thought that after all that dysfunctional crap tt happened, nothing can faze me. I am officially that girl who has seen it all, taken the chill pill and not let things get to me. When work piles up, whats e big deal? Deal with it. The time spent whinning / crying / trying to weasel yr way out of things that should be yrs (death glare to u), my as well spend it on doing your job right?
But then when u start waking up at 3 am 5 am 6 am and start having mini panic attacks, does that mean it has finally gotten to me? The chill pill has run its course? Am i officially stress??? Does sending absolute nonsensical emails to my managers count? or sprouting rubbish to my manager like can i go on leave next week / i pay u $ to help me review comps / lets cease e client now or using my bright pink pen to draw rubbish on my manager's tax act ( cant believe i gt away with that) indicate something along e lines of this girl is gg bonkers?
As if things can't get worse, the IRAS raises tons of ridiculous queries at this point attaching ridiculous deadlines just because it is time barred. And on top of tt, client's queries which also require research and attention. Not exactly professional to go, sorry we r busy now so can we get back to u in December instead? Times like these where i wish i was incredibly smart so i can work faster and do much more for the clients. Maybe what i need is a brain enhancer and not a chill pill.
On a gossipy note, OMG some ppl are really. I can't even. Doesn't affect me but is more of a 看不过去thing. Congrats u have officially lost all my respect. Not tt u have much of mine to begin with. Pfft.
And i declare bdays as the new depressing day. Can we freeze time or pretend that day doesn't exist? Or shld i pretend tt i don't exist on tt day instead? Okay this is too much for my exploding brain.
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