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Saturday, November 1, 2014

twenty seven

Turning twenty seven in an hour's time fifty-two minutes (because I am anal like that)!

Aaaaand... yeap. That's it. It feels the same turning 26. And 25. And 24. Maybe a slight difference - NO MORE PEAK! Woots! Apart from that, life goes on. I am such a wet blanket on my own birthday.

The initial plan of just rotting my life away chilling at home, watch a lot of some TV (omg Scandal is SO SO SO GOOD. I don't particularly like anyone in the show but the plot is full of twists and damn exciting! I am rather undecided on Huck and Quinn. I kind of like Huck because he is just plain psycho in some scenes but sometimes he is kind of whiny which irritates me. The same goes for Quinn. Oooh and Jake is hot.), go for my run had to be ditched because of last minute plans.  Actually, by normal standards, it is not really last minute since it was planned the day before. Bu by my super anal standards, anything not planned at least 3 days in advance = last minute. I am the place where all spontaneity comes to die. But this time i shall let this particular spark of spontaneity live because I am feelin' magnanimous. And also I get to torture play with my gf's hair and face! 

An extension of exciting stuff (by exciting means having some kind of social life and not having my butt firmly attached to my chair, wearing my PJs and watching TV) would be moving to a new floor for my work! My new seat is awesome shizz because to my back are windows. Which means, NO ONE CAN SEE WHAT I AM DOING ON MY COMPUTER -rub hands with glee- Then again, the company blocks almost every damn thing you can think of which leaves me with ... IRAS website, MAS website and investopedia. 

On the plus side, it is on the 8th floor (we used to be seated at 13th. And no the plus side is not because it is on an auspicious floor) and that means no more going into lift rage when every other bloody person in the damn lift presses a lower floor number which translates to taking 10 bajillion years to get to my floor. Especially so when you are going to be late and the lift STOPS AT EVERY DAMN FLOOR FROM THE 4th TO THE 12th. I admit that I sometimes do the douchey thing which is to furiously jab at the close button the moment I step into the lift because statistics have shown that 99% of the people who enter the same lift with me alights at a lower floor. Dont give me judgy eyes because I am sure everyone has done that at one point or another. Right??!? Right.

And what is all this positivity without some not-so-good stuff to balance it out. Still kind of fuming over some personal stuff. It didn't happen to me so all i am sayin' is YOU DONT JUST COME AND MESS WITH MAH GIRL AND EXPECT TO WALK AWAY UNSCATH. Not that I am going to do anything (unless you count wishing upon that person constipation and pimple explosion) because there really isn't much I can do.  I hate feeling helpless and I wish I had the super power to just take it all away. Or strike the 10 million lottery and just whizz my girl away on an awesome trip. And buy a couple of Chanels. And Ferragamos. And that super cute dress I saw which cost an obscene amount of money. 

Ending in the most abrupt and awkward manner (just like I am in real life. Ball of awkward. And occasional grumpy), a picture of my pretty gf (doubling up as proof that there is at least one person out there who loves me and all my awkwardness and grumpiness).



Monday, September 15, 2014


Happy three sixty five to us! Hopefully another sixty more 365s (unless death - the grand plan is to live till ard eighty-ish but if fate says to expire before that, then so be it; or divource gets to us first). 

The ever pessimist

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Seems like going through (and surviving) the most painful event ever makes everything else easier to go through. Easier in the sense that it just feels hollow inside. No tears no pain, just emptiness. Is this a new kind of pain? Can it be considered pain if there is no "pain"?

Goodbye Nicky. Goodbye.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tin Lung Heen (2 Star Michelin Star HK Restaurant) @ Ritz Carlton

Ever since we couldn't get a reservation at a one star restaurant when we were in the States (we even went to the restaurant before it opened to wait, hoping to snag a table. But nope, no chance. Even when we pleaded and said that we will eat real fast #likeanasianyo. Nope. Was turned away politely by the staff. -cue silent tear down my cheek- I think we went to Noma's as a substitute. Which is also awesome. OMG to the food although we had to wait 40 minutes. Have never had better breakfast-y food in SG. Plus it was big sister's treat. So it was a FREE awesome brunch cuz i am cheap like that. -double thumbs up- And sorry i digressed), I have been obsessing with eating at one. So when a short impromptu trip to Hong Kong was made, I was like all "girl (or rather boy since i was goingg with T) we gotta go eat at a Michelin star restaurant yo at ALL COST".

Thanks to the power of technology, a reservation was made in 10 seconds flat. And then my phone beeped with the email confirmation. Tim Lung Heen, here we come.

The candied nuts were moreish. Had to slap T's hand from reaching out more. 

I cannot remember what was inside! I think it was scallops.
Iberian pork! It was melt in your mouth and clog your arteries delicious. But it get pretty jelat after the second piece. AND THERE WERE EIGHT. -.-

Glutinous rice is always love. It is not OMG Fantastic but it was nice.

Carrot cake. Once again, ginormousy portion for 2. T wanted it so we ordered. It was pretty nice.
Once again, T insisted on trying the po lo bao. It was nice, but I wouldnt pay for it at TLH.
Mango-y dessert.

Total damage was $150 for 2. Was it worth the price? Not really. I felt I was paying more for the atmosphere (it was at 102 floor and we were literally in the clouds) and the top notch service. The only thing that I thought was really good was the iberian pork. Nonetheless, I had a great time because of the company. I refused to let T eat before having snapped the perfect shot with my camera AND my iphone. I was laughing so hard because he was going " DONT TAKE ALREADY LA. FOOD COLD ALREADY STILL TAKE. I WANT TO EAT NAO NAO NAO!"

Now to tackle another michelin star restuarant! #suckerforlife

Sunday, March 9, 2014

big brother

"It was a trap. I'd seen the type in the entertainment world of LA, people who get so far and no farther, seething resentfully on the margins at people who direct real Hollywood movies or act in real Broadway plays. These near misses often get just enough reward here and there that they won't give up, but their occasional small successes are in some ways worse than nothing.  

Failure affords release."

"Lastly, the well and truly fat. I think we long ago put to rest their reputation for jollity. Misery, more like it. Melancholy, perhaps. Helplessness. Self-indulgence and self-deceit. Defensiveness. Resignation to the present; fatalism about the future. Self-hatred and self-reproach. Shyness. Self-pity, albeit richly deserved; a persecution complex, although ought it be called a "complex" when you're genuinely persecuted? A self-deprecating sense of humour. Humility. As a consequence of having all too often been on the pointy end of malice, kindness. An enfolding warmth. Generosity. Born of self-evident frailty, cheerful acceptance of whatever might also be wrong with you. A longing to be left in peace, and a preference for staying home. Gentleness. Harmlessness. Langour. Frankness. Ribaldry. A down-to-earth nature and a lack of pretension."

-Big Brother, Lionel Shriver

She nailed it. As always. Loved her new novel to bits. When I read the ending, I was like WTF?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I hated it, I wanted it so badly to turn out what I thought to be. And then i grew to love it. Because it is SO GOD DAMN TRUE. That deep down as much as we would all love the cliche happily ever after ending, the reality is far from that. That relationships aren't that simple as it is. That the whole "blood is thicker than water" can only go so far. 

Damn i can't wait for her next novel. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

the fault in our stars

"I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.” 

“There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. A writer we used to like taught us that. There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got. But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.”  

My two favourite paras of the book. Bulldozed through the book in 2 days. I am undecided if I want to watch the movie, if it can live up to the book. If it does, I am so going to bawl my eyes out like how I did when I was finishing up the last part of the book. I was tearing on the bus and didnt dare to continue till I was safely in the confines of my tiny room. 

Another classic oh-my-god-i-am-crying-till-i-cant-breathe-and-i-am-gg-to-look-like-crap-the-next-day-because-my-eyes-are-gg-to-be-so-swollen-it-is-not-even-funny is "A Walk to Remember". Both the book and the movie reduced me to a pile of sobbing mess. A complete sucker for such love stories. 

Now I am juggling between GoT (Book 5 now finally!!!) and May We be Forgiven. I still have a lot more books in my Kindle waiting to be read. The couple of days have been spent reading on the MRT instead of the bus because I have been attending trainings at the inland revenue house. 


I think the trainer kind of avoided looking in my direction because my face was so black and the aura that was I was channeling screams "i want to beat you with a stick if you repeat the same ol' point AGAIN. like for the 1093848754th time." And not surprisingly, he ended late which means BAD TIME MANAGEMENT DUDE. RAH. And he wants to start later tmr!?!? Like WTH?! Shouldnt we aim to start on time so that we can end on time??? 

Travelling via train in the morning is something I have not done since I have started work, preferring bus as the mode of transport to work as opposed to the train. And with the recent (maybe not so recent) string of train disruptions and all the horror stories that I hear, I am more pro-bus than ever. But somehow, this morning's train wasn't as bad as I thought. It wasn't that crowded or maybe cause I was a bit too early, hence missing the peak period crowd. Thanks to the trainer's attempt to be "kind" and start the training later, it will mean that I will need to fight my way into the train with the insane crowd cause I will be taking the later train. Either that or reach insanely early and freeze my butt off in the training room. WHY YOU WANT TO START LATER!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014


So many levels, so many sides, so many roles, so many identities, so many faces. I love them all. So, which do you see?

I want lunch! 

Painting shall be the alternate plan. The bath bombs shall not be subjected to water death and continue the peaceful life as an air fresherner. As of now. Lucky you two.

 My fingers are itching to braid some hair. Any hair volunteers? Just makes me want to grow my hair again. 
