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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

boston marathon bombing


Just read the article and feeling really sad for the victims and whatsapping abt it in the grp chat and the response from the dearest perpetually clueless friend was:-

"so don't join marathon"



and then, another msg popped up

"show me ur eyelash extension when u do"


yeaps girls grp chat really revolve around superficial stuff.

Although I do feel for the innocent victims, there are probably more heinous crimes being committed in other parts of the world that don't get the same amount of coverage and hoohaa. Not that such news should be downplayed but he agenda behind the amount of coverage that certain news get is definitely something to think about.

And to end off on the most random note, during a short break at a dept discussion, was chatting with one of the partners and he was talking about his previous job at another big4 firm. Found out that he got seconded to NYC for 2 years. ENVY IS ME. I really think that one of the best way to retain talent is to enhance mobility and provide opportunities for its people to grow.

Oh and the phone beeped and dearest friend just replied with a rather delayed response:-

"omg the bombing really jialat"

y u so cute huh!

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