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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

nihonnotabemono // hello peanut gang!

你好cute! damn typing in chinese is an addiction.

很期待下个星期二! (还有我的bonus!)

Monday, May 30, 2011


1. 我深信我的老妈在恶整我二姐。我只能说老妈你真的是神。(放心我家没闹鬼)
2. 钱真的能解决很多事情。所以努力赚钱!(或者嫁给有钱人也不错。)

我觉得在工作方面我真的很幸运。大家对我的评语蛮好的。其实说实话,当我看到我的分数的时候真的有吓到。这种感觉很奇妙因为我一向来都只是普普通通,就拿课业方面来做个比例。成绩永远也只是一般,可能偶尔走运会有比平常更好的表现(可是那真的只是偶尔中的偶尔)。运动方面也不是特别突出(是身高的问题吗?)人缘也不是特别的好(常有人都会跟我说我给人的感觉很冷漠,有种瞧不起人的样子. 在加上我比较被动,总是在等着别人踏出第一步来和我做朋友.  其实写了那么多,到头来就是一个懒字!我承认我是个很懒得去交朋友的人。-_-|||)

可能意识到这些让我在工作上做了一些改变 。就拿摆臭脸来做比例。可是我想要为自己(和其他跟我有同样遭遇的人,我想要跟你说:我懂!**而且还要紧握对方的手加上坚定的眼神**)辩解。我(们)真的没有在臭脸,只是自然放松的脸就长这样子有什么办法!也不可能整天嘻皮笑脸,又不是吃饱没是干!我也不是说要装或者要很假,但是就尽量没有表情的时候,肌肉不要过于放松,眼神不要看起来很不爽的样子(虽然真的只是在放空!!!天生天生!!!) 

说到这一点,"小妹妹"这个称呼真的很缠身。我真的不知道是褒或贬,但会告诉自己至少这不是个难听的称呼(总好过被叫老女人之类的吧。或是外型上一些较伤人的话。可是头很大算吗?因为也满多人这样说。或常被笑很矮。我觉得这道还好)。现在就连gym的人都这样叫我 -_-|||

总之真的很开心可以在工作方面得到肯定(我好像在发表得奖感言似的,谢谢大家对我的肯定!*开始假装掉泪*)。但期望也就越高。一想到这一点就觉得很可怕。因为我一直都觉得我没有大家想象中的那么好,所以每犯一点错就觉得压力很大,总觉得对方会很失望,对我的印象就会变差。所谓you are only as good as your last piece of work。只要犯错,无论你之前做的再好也没有人会记得。污点就是污点,无论你如何地擦,它还是会在那里,一直提醒着你你的错。所以要继续努力!

但也真的很庆幸我周围的同事都很乐于帮助我。真的有时觉得自己问的问题超笨,但是他们都还是很nice的回答我 (可能心里难免也会想:哇塞,这个问题有够笨!)。太感动了!*又假装擦泪* (我真很爱演!) 有时难免会有疯颠的举止也会尽量敷衍我一下,只能说他们真的都很nice!


Monday, May 23, 2011


I am currently watching The Tudors and also reading books by Phillipa Gregory.

Finished The White Queen and is currently reading The Boleyn Inheritance.

The Tudors starts with King Henry and Anne Boleyn's story, and I am reading The Boleyn
Inheritance which starts off AFTER Anne's death (couldn't find The Other Boleyn Girl in the library). Omg i hope the TV series will continue till after Anne's death because I am curious to see who the TV producers will find to act as the older King Henry who had become fat and crippled.

What will this hottie become?

And i was a little disappointed with the female lead that was chosen to act as Anne. (I read the book first then watched the TV series) When I was reading, I had a certain idea/expectation of what Anne would look like because the book raved about how everyone loved her, fell under her charms blah blah blah so I was kind of expecting a super pretty girl with a little bit of an exotic look thrown in. My first impression was this Anne girl looks weird! But after 5-6 eps, her looks kind of grow on me. I would call her unique looking.

So far the series is interesting, lots of sex / orgy / incest, boobage and hot men with eyes that can melt yr heart and make you cry in anguish over the severe lack of such hot men in our home country.  How can a show be not successful with this superb formula!?

And i caught Pirates of the Carribean over the weekend with JY. Ah Johnny Depp, you are as fabulous as ever. I didn't know what the story was gg to be about so I was like waiting for Orlando Bloom and waiting and waiting and waiting and the movie ended. -_-|| And I concur with my sister that Orland Bloom looks the best as the blonde hair elf in LOTR. He should srsly consider growing his hair long, dying it blonde and sticking on elf-ish ears. That is true hotness. (and of course his mode of transport HAS to be a horse. He would look ridiculous in a car, no?)

One of my fav movies of all time has to be Romeo and Juliet (Leo Dicap and Clare Danes).

Does anyone remember the scene where they were looking at each other through the fish tank glass? It was so incredibly romantic. 

And my fav Yoga instructor is leaving! How could he abandon us!! What is gg to happen to my Sat Yoga workouts! All the other instructors are pretty bad :( :( :(

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the small pieces of childhood

Credits: Christoph Niemann

The last is my favourite! How creative is that. Brings back memories of playing Lego with my cousins which funnily ends up in tears most of the time (not me!). Nevertheless, those were great memories.

I have purchased a Peanuts theme-ed jigsaw on Sunday and guess what? I AM DONE WITH IT. All framed up and propped up against my room's wall. Looks like I need to move on to 1500 or even 2000 pieces to get my jigsaw craving satiated.

And I also bought a Japanese mascara called Kiss-me Heroine which I have been seeing in the Watsons store forever but never got round to trying it out. I don't really like it because removing it leaves black smudges on my lower lids, making me look like an abused woman as opposed to coming out in clumps, which can be easily washed away with water.

Sorry Maybelline mascara for forsaking you! You are still the best.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Inspiration of the week: Yosigo

gorgeous photos by Spanish photographer, Yosigo.

Credits: Yosigo

I love how he plays with the colour curves in the editing process.

I have a sudden jigsaw crave which needs to be fixed asap. Shall head out to Jigsaw world over the weekend to pick out something nice to piece together. The last jigsaw which i pieced was eons ago and my sister commented that it was a creepy picture (it was a Mickey mouse themed jigsaw) which in turned made me think that the picture is creepy too. Which is why it is now in a half-hidden state in my room. Out of sight out of mind.

Oh and my sister and i have the exact jigsaw puzzle hung respectively in our own rooms. We didn't know that each other got the same picture which resulted in a semi heart-attack when i came home one evening to find an unfinished jigsaw puzzle on her floor which look strangely familiar to mine which was completed. I literally stopped breathing for a few seconds as i stared at the unfinished puzzle on the floor. I thought she had gone bonkers and taken mine and re-pieced it!

That was a Disney princesses jigsaw. And i always wanted to be Ariel minus the scary slimy tail.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Inspiration of the week

So much incredible talent. the photos take my breath away.

Monday, May 2, 2011

akb48 heavy rotation

i want chu! i need chu! i love chu!

this is song is crazy addictive and 渡辺麻友 is so damn cute!

can totally imagine all the Japanese boys going crazy over her. I was scouring the net to find an upclose pic of her to see how her eye makeup is done. Just for once i wished i didn't do lasik so that i can wear those pupil enhancing contact lenses. I am suspecting the usual - contacts, eye liner and false lashes. 

Oh and the lip colour in the video! I LOVE THE COLOUR. It is like baby pink with a little peach tone to it? I am not too sure because i suck at figuring out the different shades of colours.

And i am not getting the longchamp bag anymore! :D but i did some shopping over the weekend. Bought a pair of shades and 2 tops from OP. Yeap OP. They actually have decent clothes under the Outfitter Girls line? And it was like 50% off the second piece so good deals = cannot resist!

And i cleared my room! Woohoo! And i just found more angbaos in my drawer from new year which i totally forgot about. -_-||  I need to clear up my dressing table too because it is cluttered with makeup, moisturizer, makeup remover and tons of other misc crap.

Election is next week, have u made yr choice? PAP or opposition? My grandma is absolutely pro PAP and this afternoon she was telling me that i should vote for PAP or the whole country will fall apart in an extremely serious manner. I thought that was pretty funny but i was just thinking if her view is reflective of the thousands of old ppl around the island who are also like her, ardent fans of LKY and PAP. It will be pointless to explain to her that it is good to have an alternative voice, to keep checks on the ruling party which have been holding a monopoly position for so long. In her mind she will always think PAP=good, opposition = bad = country falls apart. But whatever choice u make, I think the most important thing to vote for the party which you truly believe can best serve the country.