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Monday, April 18, 2011

happy birthday!

7 years of friendship and still counting, happy birthday my dearest Fiona!

Had loads of fun doing makeup together at my house (to Fiona - 世界上没有丑女人,只有懒女人!stop being so lazy!) And Fiona has allowed me to do MU for her! :D all was well with no tears and definitely no 如花! 都是美女!

And of course the mandatory camwhoring (what did u expect?! it is 4 girls with MU on = death by camwhore)

cuz this is my blog so my picture is big ass in yr face while the rest of my friends get tiny pictures. HAHA! check out my horse like long lashes. Wait that doesn't sound really pretty at all. I mean check out my beautiful long lashes.

Cabbed down to town and on the cab we were talking (and laughing or shrieking would be more apt) so loudly that we kind of pissed the taxi driver off because he was trying to talk on the phone and he could barely hear the other end.I think 4 years of girls school education have strengthened my ability to withstand prolong hours of extreme loudness bombarding my eardrums (think recess time). That just sounded really sad because it seems that the only thing that i took away from 4 yrs of secondary sch education is very strong ear drums. That is not true! I have emerged as a smart and confident woman with a strong interest in Shakespeare works! Et tu Brutus? See i can quote Julius Caesar! HA!

Anyway, I am actually surprise that the teachers there have not become deaf or half deaf at this point! I mean we had only 4 girls in the cab and i think the taxi driver is ready to strangle us, multiply that by 1000 and imagine the level of noise that our poor teachers had to endure.

Dinner @ Sushi Tei! Love the food there as it is affordable and pretty good quality although the sashimi quality isn't as good as Akashi. But then again u pay alot more at Akashi. So yeah, peektures (with some really useless captions!)!

As i was saying earlier, the texture of the sashimi was a little grainy for me. Probably not super fresh *wrinkle nose*

Chuka Wakame! I can scarf down 50 plates of these.

This is what happens when you have 20% off and 4 stomachs of raging acids ready to declare war and devour anything in their paths. GLUTTONY. We ate like a crap load of food! And I think i missed out one more dish!??!And then regret when we hug our expanded stomachs and moan that we have too much food.

But of course, there is always room for desert. ALWAYS.  Gluttony has no limits!! Which means we shall not suffice with 1 but 3 deserts! Even when we have busted our guts we shall continue to trudge down the path of i-am-so-gg-to-regret-the-paaaaiiiin-e93jerijwerikgre (this is where the discomfort from excessive eating have caused the brain to go haywire) because we like to adhere to the strict dietary theory of savoury must always be followed by sweet.  Remember savoury ---> sweet.  But feel free to expand the theory to savoury --> sweet --> savoury. Actually it can be endless as long as your stomach doesn't explode.

I like this theory very much :D

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